The San Antonio Fire Museum

Fire, Southern, Texas

The San Antonio Fire Museum is, as many visitors say, one of San Antonio’s hidden gems. What began as a dream of five firefighters assigned together at old #19’s station in 1997, has become one of the most notable Fire Museums in the country. Today, the Museum is located at San Antonio’s original Central Fire Headquarters at 801 E. Houston Street next door to the world-famous Alamo.

The San Antonio Fire Museum is owned and operated by the San Antonio Fire Museum Society, a 501(c)(3) public charity.  All of its management and operations staff are volunteers dedicating more than 1,200 hours each month to preserving San Antonio’s rich firefighting history.

At the San Antonio Fie Museum, visitors will see antique fire trucks and fire-fighting equipment, artifacts dating back to the mid-1800s, and beautifully archived documents and photos. A 1953 International fire truck, built by the Simms Fire Equipment Company, is available for kids to climb on and dress up in authentic replicas of firefighters’ turnout gear!

801 E Houston St
San Antonio, TX 78205

Cost: $5
Plan: 1hr
Open: Tuesday – Saturday 10am – 3:30pm

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