Technik Museum Sinsheim
The total admission price of the Technik Museum Sinsheim includes a visit to the two fully accessible supersonic jets Concorde and Tupolev TU-144 which have been placed on the museum roof. In the exhibition halls, there is something for everyone to be discovered: antique cars and motorcycles of all eras, huge steam locomotives, Formula-1 legends, racy sports cars, record vehicles like the Blue Flame or Brutus, agricultural machinery, gigantic engines, a military history exhibition and much more.
Eberhard-Layher-Straße 1,
74889 Sinsheim, Germany
P: +49726192990
Technik Museum Sinsheim Admission:
Adults: € 19
Children to 4 years: Gratis
Children 5 to 14 years: € 15
Plan: 1-2 hr
Technik Museum Sinsheim Hours:
Daily 10 am – 6 pm
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