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ROUSH Automotive Collection

Central, Michigan, Racing

The Roush Automotive Collection, located in Livonia Michigan, is a 30,000 sq. ft. private facility. Housed within the collection are 110+ vehicles dedicated to the preservation of the heritage of ROUSH.

The collection contains educational exhibits of products and processes from Roush as a supplier of technological services to the automotive industry, aviation industry, and other manufactured goods businesses.

Roush Racing is represented in the collection through the preservation of race cars, trophies, team equipment, photographs, and other artifacts signifying over 40 years of motor sports achievements.

11789 Market St
Livonia, MI 48150
Email: rcebay@roush.com

Roush Automotive Collection Admission:

Plan: 1-2hr

Roush Automotive Collection Hours:

Monday – Friday 9:30 am – 4 pm


Image via https://www.facebook.com/ROUSHAUTOMOTIVECOLLECTION/photos/


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