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Mustang Museum of America

Alabama, Southern

The Mustang Museum of America is dedicated to the celebration, preservation, education, and display of the Ford Mustang and will provide value to visitors from the general public, members of the Museum, and other automobile hobbyists.

The goal of the Mustang Museum is to provide a memorable visit through the life of the iconic Mustang with a display of Mustang vehicles of nearly every year and generation produced, many special models, and also display Mustang memorabilia relevant to its history.

Hopefully, the museum tour will bring back fond memories of Mustangs once owned by museum visitors, wish they had owned or “let getaway”.

49 Forman Farm Rd
Odenville, AL 35120
Email: mustangmuseum@gmail.com

Mustang Museum of America Admission:

Adults $15
Family of 4 or more $45
Plan: 1hr

Mustang Museum of America hours:

Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9 am – 5 pm or by appointment


Image via https://www.facebook.com/mustangmuseumofamerica/photos/

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