Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum

In 1969, Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce Jim Buck Ross, recognizing a need for the preservation of our culture and heritage in a tangible way, began collecting artifacts, organizing scholars, and laying a ground work for a museum. In 1978, the City of Jackson donated a valuable 39 acre site on Lakeland Drive and Interstate 55. This land could only be used for recreational purposes under specified stipulations of the State of Mississippi, which originally had owned the land. Funds from this appropriation were used to complete the structure itself and another $1.5 million was sought from the private sector by the non-profit Agriculture and Forestry Museum Foundation. The money raised by the foundation was used to construct permanent exhibits, a living history farm, an entire crossroads town, and a forest study area.
Covering more than 5,000 square feet, the National Agricultural Aviation Museum’s floor space and airspace provides a comprehensive and fascinating look at an industry that literally reshaped the history of agriculture. On display are actual planes that once flew over Southern farms and plantations complimented by an informative video and a series of colorful photographs and panels.
The exhibit barn, which has over 5,000 square feet of heavy timber construction exhibit space, features 10 antique tractors and 15 pieces of historical farm equipment. The exhibits inside the barn today depict for visitors how the mechanization of agriculture has progressed over the years.
1150 Lakeland Dr,
Jackson, MS 39216
P: 601-432-4500
Email: msagmuseum@mdac.ms.gov
Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum Admission:
Adults $6
Ages 3-17, military personnel, seniors $5
Plan: 2hr
Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum Hours:
Monday – Saturday 9 am – 5 pm
Image via Matthew Martin
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