Hastings Museum

From horse-drawn buggies to horseless carriages, Hastings Museum’s antique vehicles provide an intriguing look at the vehicles that have moved us for more than a century! The exhibit includes a homemade wooden bicycle, the first hearse in Adams County (built in the 1880s), and a 1912 Rauch and Lang automobile with an 80-volt electric motor.
You won’t want to miss William Jennings Bryan’s 1900 Brougham. With more than 500 speeches given in 1896 alone, Bryan invented what is known as a stump tour! He served in Congress and ran for President more than once. Traveling frequently required a sound vehicle, and this exquisite carriage fit the bill.
Vehicles are just one aspect of this museum. You’ll also learn about natural history, prehistoric Nebraska, Naval Ammunition, and more.
1330 N Burlington Ave
Hastings, NE 68901
P: 402-461-2399
Email: rmatticks@hastingsmuseum.org
Hastings Museum Admission:
Adults $9
Seniors (60+) $8
Kids 3-12 $7
Plan: 2-3hr
Hastings Museum Hours:
Tuesday – Thursday 9 am – 6 pm
Friday & Saturday 9a m – 6 pm
Sunday 1 am – 6 pm
Image via Jeff C Tripadvisor
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