Gasoline Alley Museum

Canada, Western

Gasoline Alley Museum is a celebration of industrial design illuminated by a storyline that follows the far-reaching social changes that resulted from the introduction and popularization of the automobile. The two-story museum contains thousands of automobile memorabilia items, mostly dating from before the Second World War.

Local businessman Ron Carey generously donated the items to Heritage Park so that they could be put on display for public enjoyment while being properly maintained. The artifacts displayed at the museum date from the turn of the 20th century to the 1950s and include vintage vehicles, unique gasoline pumps, and many products and signage from a host of petroleum companies. Most of the items on display in the Gasoline Alley Museum were painstakingly restored by Mr. Carey and his staff.

1900 Heritage Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2X3, Canada

Gasoline Alley Museum Admission:

General $14.95
Youth $8.95

Plan: 1-2hr

Gasoline Alley Museum Hours:

Tuesday – Sunday 10 am – 4 pm

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