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Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum

Alaska, Western

The Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum is a visually stunning showcase of antique cars, historic fashions, and Alaska motoring history at Wedgewood Resort.

The Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum is one of the premier vintage and classic car museums in the United States. The collection includes 102 beautifully restored and preserved vehicles and thousands of vintage fashions from the 18th to the mid-20th centuries.

You’ll also find scores of exhibits, artifacts, photographs, and archival videos that tell the story of America’s early love affair with the automobile and Alaska’s early motoring history.

212 Wedgewood Dr
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Email: willyv@fountainheadhotels.com

Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum Admission:

Adults $20
6-12 $10
Under 6 free
Plan: 1hr

Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum Hours:

Summer Hours (May-mid-September)
7 days a week, 11:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Winter Hours (Sept-May)
Sundays and Wednesdays, 12:00 to 4:00 p.m.


Image via https://www.facebook.com/FountainheadMuseum/photos/


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