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Dougherty Museum

Colorado, Western

The Dougherty Museum houses a collection of beautifully restored antique automobiles, including models powered by steam, electricity, and early internal combustion types. Many of the cars date back 100 years and are in running order.

The Dougherty Museum is the culmination of a lifelong personal hobby of Ray G. Dougherty, a longtime Boulder County farmer. The Dougherty family opened the museum’s doors in 1977, and they have continued to run the museum since Mr. Dougherty’s death in 1988.

8306 N 107th St
Longmont, CO 80504
P: 303-776-2520

Dougherty Museum Admission:

Adults $8
​Youth (Ages 6-12) $3
​Children (Ages 6 and under) Free

Plan: 1 hr

Dougherty Museum Hours:

June – August

Friday – Sunday 11 am – 5 pm 


Image via https://doughertymuseum.com/#gal-1


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