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US Army Transportation Museum

Military, Southern, Virginia

The U.S. Army Transportation Museum artifact collection numbers just over 7,000 artifacts including over 135 military vehicles on display. The vehicle on display includes planes, helicopters, tugboats, landing craft, trucks, jeeps, hovercraft and trains, include numerous one of a kind experimental vehicles.

Some of the unique items in the collection include the GEN Herman Haupt’s dress coat, worn when he organized and ran the Union Army rail system here in Virginia, to equipment of the famed World War II Red Ball express that kept the march across Europe going, the Korean War helicopters made iconic in the MASH TV show, the only surviving gun truck from the Vietnam War and Berlin Duty train that carried thousands to US troops to their assign in then divided Berlin, Germany during the Cold War. There are hundreds of unique and fascinating stories of Soldiers and how they transported themselves and the entire U.S. Army to all corners of the globe over the last two centuries.

300 Washington Blvd
Fort Eustis, Virginia
Email: usarmy.jble.tradoc.mbx.transportation-museum@army.mil

US Army Transportation Museum Admission:


Plan: 1hr

US Army Transportation Museum Hours:

Tuesday – Saturday 9 am – 4:30 pm


Image via Sean Mathis


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