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The Weekly 3

It is pretty awesome when people visit Miles Through Time Automotive Museum from all over the country, specifically because they found the Automotive Museum Guide and started receiving these emails.

I hate it when I miss the museum visitors, but when I do get to meet them, it’s amazing. A couple stayed for over four hours on Saturday, and they use the guide regularly to visit museums all over the country.

I hope this is a common occurrence for all the museums listed in the guide. If you visit a museum because you discovered it in the Automotive Museum Guide or I mentioned it in an email, let the museum know when you visit.

This week’s email is going to be brief. I understand some people are bombarded with emails and even this one each week can end up being a bit much. If you miss the email for any reason, remember you can always go to the website under the EXTRAS tab and click Weekly 3.

You never have to miss the three museums I share, even if you don’t have time to deal with the entire email. You can quickly scroll to the museums, get the information you need and move on. Plus, you can always refer back if you want.

First up this week is the Museum of Automobiles. The museum was founded by Winthrop Rockefeller in 1964. The museum housed his collection until 1975, two years after his death when Bill Harras purchased the collection for $947,000.

A new nonprofit was formed in 1976 with vehicles on loan from collectors and the museum has been in operation ever since.

The Academy of Art University Automobile Museum is one you wouldn’t expect to find. This museum recently auctioned off 105 of their vehicles, which raised $14.5 million. We’ll have to wait and see what the museum does next.

If you just looked at the Audrain Automobile Museum, you’d assume they’ve been around for a while, but the museum only opened in 2014. The museum has access to over 400 cars and motorcycles and changes the exhibits often.

Have a great week!



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21191456_1626796560NQ7Sean_Mathis.jpg Sean Mathis
 Creator of Automotive Museum Guide
Founder of Miles Through Time Automotive Museum

 Follow me @ 21191549_1626796883UCM584ac2d03ac3a570f94a666d.png 21191542_1626796858auLnew_instagram_logo-1024x1024.jpg 21191577_1626796946OuTimages.jpeg

P.S. Make sure you follow AMG on Facebook and join the FB Group to see what’s going on at all the museums.

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museum of automobiles

Museum of Automobiles

The Museum of Automobiles was founded by Winthrop Rockefeller in 1964 before he became Governor of Arkansas. The museum housed Rockefeller’s collection of antique and classic cars until his death in 1973, and in 1975

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Academy of Art University Automobile Museum

Academy of Art University Automobile Museum

The Academy of Art University Automobile Museum preserves and pays homage to these classic fixtures of international automotive innovation and also provides inspiration and a sense of history to students who attend the Academy of Art University.

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Audrain Automobile Museum

Audrain Automobile Museum

Established in 2014, the Museum transformed the historic Audrain Building into a captivating display floor fit specifically for their cultural needs.

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Sometimes it’s not what you think.

I enjoy the vast array of automotive museums all over the country. One day, hopefully, sooner than later, I'll also be able to experience some automotive museums abroad.

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