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The Brumos Collection

Florida, Racing, Southern

From the main collection to interactive experiences that take you back to the early days of automotive design, racing, and the drivers themselves, the Brumos Collection is a walk-through automotive and racing lore you won’t soon forget.

The museum was designed to take guests through two unique experiences. The first section of the collection features open-cockpit racers and early automotive innovations, with the oldest being an 1894 Peugeot. Besides the cars, there are engines, vintage racing equipment, and drivers’ gear.

All of the cars have a kiosk that provides the car’s history, vintage photographs, and stat sheets detailing car specifications. The second area is full of Porsche race cars from 1953-2017. The cases in this section are filled with legendary race trophies and awards throughout the years.

From the cars themselves to trophies, pictures, engines, and more, you’ll find plenty of racing memorabilia. Seeing some of the older, more historical items will take you back to the time when early records were set by drivers who were attempting feats never accomplished before and the cars themselves were running at top speeds.

You’ll also get to see memorabilia dedicated to Brumos racing, beginning with Hubert Brundage and including the multiple 24 Hours of Daytona trophies. There are also cases dedicated to legendary racers, Hurley Haywood and Peter Gregg.

If there’s one thing you to take away from your visit, it’s a newfound appreciation for the drivers, the mechanics, and the innovators who helped usher in such an exciting era in automotive racing and design.

5159 San Pablo Rd S
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Email: info@brumos.com

The Brumos Collection Admission:

Adults $24.99
Senior & Military $19.99
Kids $14.99
(Tickets sold Online HERE)

Plan: 1-2 hr

The Brumos Collection Hours: 

Thursday – Saturday: 9 AM – 3 PM


You can follow The Brumos Collection on social media.

Image via https://www.facebook.com/pg/thebrumoscollection/


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