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Swope’s Cars of Yesteryear Museum

Kentucky, Southern

The Swope’s Cars of Yesteryear Museum is located at 1100 North Dixie Avenue in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. They are a family-friendly place and welcome everyone to visit the museum to view their collection of cars.

Swope Auto Museum is home to an impressive collection of vintage and antique cars. Swope’s Cars of Yesteryear, allows you to take a tour of different eras, from the early 1900s to the 1960s. The museum features vehicles of all makes and models.

1100 N Dixie Ave
Elizabethtown, KY 42701

Swope’s Cars of Yesteryear Museum Admission:

Plan: 1hr

Swope’s Cars of Yesteryear Museum Hours:

Monday – Saturday – 10am – 5pm


Image via https://www.facebook.com/Swopes-Cars-of-Yesteryear-166645460017692/


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