Swigart Museum

Swigart Museum is the oldest Antique Automobile Museum in the country and the only Museum. The automobile collection was started in 1920, just 25 years after the first patented combustion engine automobile. It was started as a collection that was made available for public viewing during business hours at Swigart Associates. It was later registered as a separate automobile museum, which is still thriving today.
The Swigart Museum collection contains automobiles and carriages dating back to 1896. You can see between 30 to 35 automobiles on display each year at the museum. Because the collection is so vast, each year while the museum is closed over the winter, they change the displays to allow everyone to see more of the collections. They also have a featured display each year of one of their special automobiles in the center of the museum.
During your visit, you will experience more than just cars. The Swigart Museum features the excitement of early automobile racing and old cars that are depicted in prints, paintings, and photographs from renowned automobile artists such as Ernest Montaut and Peter Helck.
12031 William Penn Hwy
Huntingdon, PA 16652
P: 814-643-0885
Email: tours@swigartmuseum.com
Swigart Museum Admission:
Adults – $10.00
Senior Citiznes $9.00
Children (6-12) – – $5.00
Children (under 6) – Free
Group Rates for 20+ guests with reservations
Plan: 1hr
Swigart Museum Hours:
Daily 10 am to 5 pm through the summer
Image via https://www.facebook.com/141046372631025/photos/
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