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Savoy Automobile Museum

Georgia, Southern

Savoy Automobile Museum allows visitors to explore the history and diversity of automobiles through changing exhibits, educational programs, and engaging experiences. As part of Georgia Museums, Inc., Savoy is a sister museum to Booth Western Art Museum, Bartow History Museum, and Tellus Science Museum.

The Museum is located on 35+ acres at the intersection of US Highway 411 and GA Highway 20 in Cartersville, Georgia. The footprint comprises three buildings: the main museum structure is 65,000+ square feet with four exhibition galleries, a presentation theatre, an on-site café, a storage garage at 30,000+ square feet, and an outdoor pavilion for car shows, concerts, cruise-ins, swap meets and more at roughly 10,000+ square feet.

3 Savoy Lane
Cartersville, GA 30120
Email: info@savoymuseum.org

Savoy Automobile Museum Admission:

General Admission:   $17
Youth (ages 3 – 12):  $7

Plan: 1+ hr

Savoy Automobile Museum Hours:

Tuesday – Sunday 10 am – 5 pm


Image via Sean Mathis


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