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Rusty’s TV and Movie Car Museum

Southern, Tennessee

Rusty’s TV & Movie Car Museum has around 50 cars that have been used in movies and TV as well as TV and movie memorabilia. There’s something for all ages!

Many of the cars are the actual cars used in the shows and can only be seen here. The museum was started so Rusty could share his collection with the rest of the world.

323 Hollywood Dr
Jackson, TN 38301
Email: rustys69general@yahoo.com

Rusty’s TV & Movie Car Museum Admission:

Adults $10
Children $5
Under 5 free

Plan: 1hr

Rusty’s TV & Movie Car Museum Hours:

Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9 am – 5 pm
Monday – Thursday by appointment


Image via https://www.facebook.com/pg/rustystvandmoviecarmuseum/photos/


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