New Mexico Automotive Museums

New Mexico

Discover New Mexico Automotive Museums, Events, and History.

Discover New Mexico Automotive Museums, Events, and History.


New Mexico

New Mexico is a southwestern U.S. state whose diverse terrain encompasses the Chihuahuan Desert and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Its capital, Santa Fe, founded in 1610, is known for upscale spas and Spanish colonial architecture. It’s also home to a vibrant arts scene, as well as the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, featuring the artist’s iconic New Mexican landscape paintings, and the open-air Santa Fe Opera.


Traveling old Route 66 through New Mexico gives you a great feeling of what makes up of the Land of Enchantment, as the state calls itself on its license plates. There is less of the actual “old road” here than in other states but the many towns and ghost towns along I-40, built more or less on top of Route 66, still stand.

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AACA Museum, Inc.

AACA Museum, Inc.

AACA Museum, Inc. at Hershey is a professionally staffed, collecting institution presenting semi-permanent and temporary exhibitions. Exhibitions are supported by educational programs for school and community audiences. It sponsors workshops and other activities...

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