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National Dirt Late Model Hall Of Fame

Kentucky, Racing, Southern

The National Dirt Late Model Hall of Fame (NDLMHoF) would like to invite you to visit the NDLMHoF which is located on the grounds of Florence Speedway in Walton, Kentucky. The NDLMHoF was created to recognize and preserve the rich history of the sport of Dirt Late Model Racing. The NDLMHoF is a place where Dirt Late Model Racing’s forefathers and stars could be spotlighted and their accomplishments can be celebrated. It is a place where racing fans for generations to come can spend time learning the rich history of our sport.

The NDLMHoF is open most race weekends that Florence Speedway is open. They are also available by limited appointment visits. 

12234 US-42, Walton,
KY 41094
Email: Ndlmhof2001@gmail.com

National Dirt Late Model Hall Of Fame Admission:


Plan: 1hr

National Dirt Late Model Hall Of Fame Hours:

Race days or by appointment


Image via https://www.facebook.com/NDLMHOF/


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