Discover Minnesota Automotive Museums, Events, and History.
Veit Automotive Foundation Educational Museum
The Veit Automotive Foundation Educational Museum is preserving Cars for Future Generations. Educating all ages about our past & present while preserving Classics for the future.
Spomer Classics
Spomer Classics has one of the finest Automotive Collections in the upper Midwest. Classic autos for sale, automotive memorabilia and porcelain/neon signs.
Schwanke Car, Tractor, and Truck Museum
The Schwanke Car, Tractor, and Truck Museum have a 60 Year Collection of tractors, cars, trucks, gas engines, gas pumps, signs, and more!
The Shed
The Shed is a Classic and Muscle Car Collection displayed in a 24,000 square-foot building located on Hwy. 11 West
Remlinger Collector Car Museum
Remlinger Collector Car Museum was created by classic car enthusiasts for classic car enthusiasts. Jim Remlinger
The Old Chrysler Garage
The Old Chrysler Garage is a privately owned museum with all Chrysler cars only
The Nuss Collection
The Nuss Collection features a variety of vintage trucks and construction vehicles from the early to mid-1900s.
Discover Minnesota Automotive Museums, Events, and History.
Minnesota is a midwestern U.S. state bordering Canada and Lake Superior, the largest of the Great Lakes. The state contains more than 10,000 other lakes, including Lake Itasca, the Mississippi River’s primary source. The “Twin Cities” of Minneapolis and state capital Saint Paul are dense with cultural landmarks like the Science Museum of Minnesota and the Walker Art Center, a modern art museum.
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Miles Through Time Automotive Museum
Miles Through Time Automotive Museum has over 100 years of must-see automotive history on display. This unique, co-op-style museum is located inside of Vintage Garage Antiques which is in an old textile mill called the Old Clarkesville Mill in Clarkesville, GA....
AACA Museum, Inc.
AACA Museum, Inc. at Hershey is a professionally staffed, collecting institution presenting semi-permanent and temporary exhibitions. Exhibitions are supported by educational programs for school and community audiences. It sponsors workshops and other activities...
Cole Land Transportation Museum
The Cole Land Transportation Museum collects, preserves, and displays (before they disappear forever) a cross-section of Maine's land transportation equipment from which this and future generations will gain knowledge of the past. We also wish to remember, record...
Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum
With its creative architecture and great attention to detail, Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum is home to over 1,400 motorcycles that span over 100 years of production. More than 650 bikes can be seen on any given day, and 200 different manufacturers from 20...
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