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Mike Fuller Auto & Gas Museum

Oklahoma, Southern

Admire a collection of pristine vintage cars at Mike Fuller’s Auto & Gas Museum in Inola. Check out the classic designs of 19 well-preserved vehicles that range from 1917 to 1953, and see how cars have changed through the years.

The museum also features gas memorabilia from the time of service stations, including 145 gas pump globes, eight gas pumps, gas signs, oil cans, cookie jars, calendars, and more.

At Mike Fuller’s Auto & Gas Museum you’ll see a fire truck, a couple of motorcycles, and a train as well. With free admission, this museum is a must-see for lovers of classic cars and service station memorabilia.

1st &, N Broadway Ave
Inola, OK 74036
Email: mfmasonman@yahoo.com

Mike Fuller’s Auto & Gas Museum Admission:

Plan: 1hr

Mike Fuller’s Auto & Gas Museum Hours:

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Image via http://mikefullersautoandgasmuseum.angelfire.com/

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