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Keystone Antique Truck & Tractor Museum

Bus, RV, Big Rig, Southern, Tractor, Virginia

The Keystone Antique Truck & Tractor Museum has 200+ tractors, 120+ trucks, 25+ cars and vintage Fire Trucks.

You’ll experience the last century of agricultural heritage incorporating fully restored antique farm tractors, ongoing restoration projects, vintage road trucks, and collectible cars.

Founder Keith Jones and museum curator Alan “Bones” Stone will delight you with their hospitality and appreciation of the rich heritage of agriculture and automotive transport.

Keystone Antique Truck & Tractor Museum is conveniently located just 30 minutes from Richmond, Virginia. Encompassing more than 125,000 square feet, the Keystone Antique Truck & Tractor Museum is no ordinary museum. It’s cool, it’s combustive, and guarantees to take you on an exhilarating walk down memory lane. Plus you can eat at Keystone Grill before or after your visit.

880 W Roslyn Rd
Colonial Heights, VA 23834
P: 804-524-0020
Email: info@keystonetractorworks.com

Keystone Antique Truck & Tractor Museum Admission:

$15 for adults ($1 off for seniors 62+ and retired military
$10 for Active Duty Military
$10 for students (6-17)
Free for Children 5 & under w/paid adult admission.

Plan: 1-2 hr

Keystone Antique Truck & Tractor Museum Hours:

Daily 9 am – 5 pm


Image via https://www.facebook.com/pg/KeystoneTractorWorks/


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