
Visit Georgia Automotive Museums, Events, and History.


The Panoz Museum

The Panoz Museum in Hoschton, Georgia is a must stop for any automotive enthusiast, especially race fans. Not only is the Panoz hand made right on site but they also display various models in the museum, as well as some of the actual race cars and racing...

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Visit Georgia Automotive Museums, Events, and History.



Georgia is a southeastern U.S. state whose terrain spans coastal beaches, farmland and mountains. Capital city Atlanta is home of the Georgia Aquarium and the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site, dedicated to the African-American leader’s life and times. The city of Savannah is famed for its 18th- and 19th-century architecture and leafy public squares. Augusta hosts the Masters golf tournament.


The Good Roads Movement (1880s-1920s) spurred changes in Georgia. In 1904 only 4 percent of public roadways were classified as improved. Dirt roads had long plagued farmers in their attempts to move crops to markets. By 1908, when northern motorists began to trickle to the South, a movement for better roads evolved into a campaign to create interstate tourist highways. Construction of the National and Capital highways finally connected Georgia with major northeastern cities and the Dixie Highway connected Georgia to the Midwest.

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