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E. Hayes and Sons

New Zealand

E Hayes and Sons is a family business. It is a company built around the strong family principles which our pioneering forefathers brought to Southland in the late 1800’s.

With them came a rich spirit of innovation, inventiveness and hard work which has grown in reputation, just as Southland itself has grown.

Since our earliest beginnings E Hayes and Sons have continued a proud family tradition of putting the needs of our customers first.

Our commitment to quality, service and expertise continues to underline that tradition providing leading Southland industries, trade customers and the general public with an extensive range of hardware, engineering and homeware products and services.
From tools, hardware, engineering, automotive, paint, chainsaws, powertools, lawnmowers, pumps and fasteners through to home ware, kitchen ware, gifts and workwear it’s a continually expanding range that must be seen to be believed.
But step inside the doors of our Dee Street store and you will soon see we are so much more than just a hardware store and engineering shop.

Proudly displayed throughout our store and FREE TO VIEW during normal shop hours, is an eclectic range of over 100 world-renown classic and vintage motorcycles, automobiles, engines, equipment and memorabilia which today makes up the E Hayes Motorworks Collection.

The collection is a legacy of a family passion for ingenuity, innovation and determination to go beyond the expected boundaries of convention and performance. Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the centerpiece of the collection – Burt Munro’s Authentic, Original and Legendary record breaking “World’s Fastest Indian”

168 Dee Street,
Invercargill 9810, New Zealand
Email: admin@ehayes.co.nz

E. Hayes and Sons Admission:


Plan: 1hr

E. Hayes and Sons Hours:

Monday – Friday 8 a – 5:30
Saturday 9 am – 4 pm
Sunday 10 am – 4 pm


Image via Josie Tear


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