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Cliff’s Museum of Automobile Memorabilia

Central, West Virgina

Cliff’s collection of car “stuff.” Anything you’d walk into a garage or service station and find. old cars, shop equipment, oil cans, oil bottles, NOS parts, maps, postcards, coca-cola bottles from WV bottling plants, Sterling, Elk, Pure, West Virginia license plates of every description – motorcycle, passenger car, truck, trailer, governor’s, legislature & more Celebrating 10 years!!

Open by Chance or by Appointment. Don’t take a “chance” call ahead to make an appointment. You’ll be glad you did!

305 E Main St
Harrisville, WV 26362
Email:  cliffwva@zoominternet.net

Cliff’s Museum of Automobile Memorabilia Admission:

Plan: 1hr

Cliff’s Museum of Automobile Memorabilia Hours:

By appointment or by chance 
Cell: 304-481-5900


Image via https://www.facebook.com/125464094196626/


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