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Bill’s Backyard Classics

Southern, Texas

Bill’s Backyard Classics has vehicles that take you back in time.  Their current inventory consists of over 100 vehicles. These include cars and trucks, all kinds of makes and models that span a period from the 1920s to 2012.  They even have Model As (from 1928), Street Rods, Military Jeeps, Power Wagons, Smart Cars, Corvettes, and so much more. There is also a full-time custom and repair facility which ensures that not only are the cars well maintained but they are actually enhanced.

5309 S Washington St
Amarillo, TX 79110
Email: classicsfrombill@flycruz.com

Bill’s Backyard Classics Admission:

Adults $12 (Cash only)
12 and under free
Plan: 1hr

Bill’s Backyard Classics Hours:

Monday – Saturday 10 am – 4 pm
(Winter/Summer hours vary contact to confirm)


Image via https://www.facebook.com/billsbackyardclassics/


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