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Art & Speed Classic Car Gallery


Art & Speed Classic Car Gallery offers fine collectible automobiles, from original survivors to quality driver, show, and investment cars. They specialize in muscle cars, the 50s, and 60s classics, as well as modern performance, luxury, and exotic cars.

Art & Speed not only buy quality collector cars, but they also offer a consignment program for those who want to sell one car or a complete collection. Employing technology, they market your car to the broadest international audience possible.

Art & Speed can also assist you in changing the composition of your current collection. They offer both buyer and seller agent services and can take your car to major auction events for maximum exposure.

141 Eastley St,
Collierville, TN 38017
P: 901-850-0507
Email: info@artandspeed.com

Art & Speed Classic Car Gallery Hours:

Monday – Friday 10 am to 5 pm


Image via Justin Baltimore

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