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American Tractor Museum

Central, Missouri, Tractor

The American Tractor Museum was created to celebrate the iconic machine and the backbone of America. Tour this amazing collection walking you through the evolution of the machine that plowed, planted, and harvested the American dream for centuries. See one of the largest and most unique collections of its kind featuring rare manufacturers such as Rumely, Waterloo Boy, Illinois, Indiana, Huber, Plymouth, Avery, Rock Island, Greyhound, Centaur and many more!

508 N Main St,
Perryville, MO 63775
Email: info@americantractormuseum.com

American Tractor Museum Admission:

Adults: $10
Children: $5

Plan: 1hr

American Tractor Museum Hours:

Monday – Friday 9 am – 4 pm
1st & 3rd Sat of Every Month: 10am – 2pm


Image via https://www.facebook.com/americantractormuseum


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