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York Motor Museum


From the dawn of motoring when cars had three wheels, not four, to the great classic cars of the 1920s and 1930s, to the American cars of the 1950s dripping with chrome and the Aussie race cars from Bathurst of the 1970s, the York Motor Museum is an automobile exhibition for anyone with the tiniest spark of interest in motoring.

Housing the collection of motoring enthusiast, Peter Briggs, a selection of vehicles on loan from the Museum of Western Australia and private vehicles on loan, the Museum is a celebration of the excitement, the speed and the style of the automobile. It captures the passion of motoring like no other museum in Australia.

The exhibits include Veteran, Vintage, Classic and Racing Cars plus Motorcycles and Racing Bikes. In addition to the motor vehicles of all shapes and sizes, visitors to this charming tourist attraction can also enjoy the delights of the colourful collection of posters, motoring memorabilia and photographs.

116 Avon Terrace,
York WA 6302, Australia
Email: yorkmotormuseum@gmail.com

York Motor Museum Admission:

Adults – $12.00
SENIORS – $9.00
Students – $9.00
Children UNDER 12 – $3.00
FAMILY – 2 adults and children under 12 – $30.00

Plan: 1-2hr

York Motor Museum Hours:

Daily 9 am  4 pm


Image via https://www.facebook.com/yorkmotor/photos


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