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Ural Ataman Classic Car Museum

Asia, Turkey

The Ataman Classic Car Museum offers a wide range of classic vehicles on display. There is also a collection of neon billboards, and a hubcaps collection as well as toy cars, period gas pumps, old gas companies’ emblems, and giant billboards

The museum, which is built on an area of ​​2000 square meters, is a cultural stop that resists time, where live cars are exhibited and can be visited while enjoying the music of that period. This museum consists of two different part of floors and has divided the cars according to the years. In the first part, the ground floor houses mainly American cars and motorcycles from the 1950s and 1960s, accompanied by a recreated 1950s diner with neon signs and a jukebox playing medieval hits. The second floor on the upper floor houses a reconstructed European bar and, most importantly, the museum’s private collection of European cars. In addition, a small library, model racetrack and other collections welcome you on the same floor.

Ferahevler, Nuri Paşa Cd. No:107,
34457 Sarıyer/İstanbul, Turkey
Email: info@atamanmuseum.com

Ural Ataman Classic Car Museum Admission:

Adults €1.50

Plan: 1-2hr

Ural Ataman Classic Car Museum Hours:

Monday – Sunday 11 am – 6 pm


Image via Google Photos Empire


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