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Unser Racing Museum


The Unser Racing Museum is a multi-dimensional museum experience utilizing modern technologies to educate and immerse the visitor in the exciting world of racing. Take a guided tour and learn about the Unser family history, then explore on your own, seeing and interacting with racing history as it happened.

The museum spans the early days of racing from Pikes Peak and Indianapolis to the latest technology, including a racing simulator that puts you in the driver’s seat, and interactive kiosks for young and old to learn more about racing in a fun, educational environment.

UNser Racing Museum is Moving to Speedway Motors Museum of American Speed!

May 29, 2023 is the last day to be able to see the Unser Racing Museum’s collection in Albuquerue, New Mexico. The museum has merged with the Speedway Motors Museum of American Speed. This move will allow the Unser Racing collecting to viewed by over 100,000 visitors a year as opposed to 20,000.

1776 Montaño Rd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107
Email: susan@unserracingmuseum.com

Unser Racing Museum Admission:


Plan: 2-3hr

Unser Racing Museum Hours:

* Last Day May 29, 2023


Image via https://www.facebook.com/UnserRacingMuseum/photos/


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