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Queensland Transport Museum


Queensland Transport Museum is for enthusiasts of all ages who will enjoy discovering vehicles of different shapes and sizes, makes, and models.

The museum is home to a magnificent display of transport vehicles, from the Volvo Globetrotter cabover to the original Mack Furniture truck. There are display cabinets brimming with models, and even a fire engine and crop dusting plane.

Also on display in the museum is the History of Western Maranoa Transport, which is a tribute to JC (Cyril) Anderson, his brother MJR (Curly) Anderson, and also the men and women who worked for this renowned company. Past employees are recognized with name plaques on the Western Wall.

Museum exhibits are ever-changing and each new visit takes you on a new adventure.

Lockyer Valley Cultural Centre,
34 Lake Apex Dr, Gatton QLD 4343, Australia
Email: tourism@lvrc.qld.gov.au

Queensland Transport Museum Admission:

Adults $ 8
Concession $6 
Child (5-15 years). $3
Child (under 5 years) Free
Family (2 Adults + up to 3 Children). $20

Plan: 1-2hr

Queensland Transport Museum Hours:

Daily  9 am  4 pm


Image via https://www.facebook.com/qldtransportmuseum/photos


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