Portland Powerhouse Motor and Car Museum

Portland Powerhouse Motor and Car Museum feature vehicles, stationary engines, motorcycles, signs, models, trams, tractors, a fully set up workshop, and photographic and general motoring memorabilia. Extensive range of veteran, vintage, and classic cars and trucks. Working exhibit – showing the internal workings of an early model Holden 6-cylinder engine
Friendly Society Reserve,
23 Glenelg St, Portland VIC 3305, Australia
P: 61355235795
Portland Powerhouse Motor and Car Museum Admission:
Family $20
Adults $10
Pensioner/ Concession $8
Children $1
Plan: 1hr
Portland Powerhouse Motor and Car Museum Hours:
Daily 10 am – 4 pm
Image via Joshua Davis
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National Motor Museum
The National Motor Museum is a collection of 300 vintage, veteran, post-war, classic, & modern cars, commercial vehicles, & 100 motorcycles.
The Motor Museum of Western Australia
The Motor Museum of Western Australia opened its doors to the public on December 21st 1994 and was officially opened by the Hon, Richard Lewis M.L.A.
The Australian Motorlife Museum
The Australian MOTORLIFE Museum is a not for profit volunteer organization with Authority to Fund Raise as a Tax Exempt Charity that began in the early 1990’s
National Holden Motor Museum
The Holden Car has a unique place in the hearts of all Australians. Can there be an adult Australian who has never driven a Holden? Or at least ridden in one. The Holden Museum in Echuca is dedicated to preserving the models and their memories.
automotive museum guide
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