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Porsche Museum

Europe, Germany

Since 2009, the Porsche Museum has presented the history and fascination of the brand in a lively and modern way. The past and future of the Porsche idea meet at the headquarters in Zuffenhausen. Here you get an overview of the exhibition as well as special exhibitions, the conception and the architecture.

The Porsche Museum has barrier-free access. Several elevators take you to all exhibition floors. We offer guided tours for people with visual impairment and hearing impairment, as well as guided tours in easy language.

Porscheplatz 1,
70435 Stuttgart, Germany
E: info.museum@porsche.de

Porsche Museum Admission:

Adults 10 euros

Plan: 2-3 hr

Porsche Museum Hours:

Tuesday – Sunday 9 am – 6 pm


Image via https://www.porsche.com/germany/aboutporsche/porschemuseum/


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