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Museum of the 24 Hours of Le Mans

Europe, France

After moving to Le Mans, Amédée Bollée built the first “modern” car in 1873. The success of the “Obéissante” was universal and sealed the destiny of Sarthe and Le Mans. From 1923 onwards, with the 24 Hours of Le Mans, Le Mans became a place that was synonymous with cars. The Automobile Club Ouest, the department and local collectors therefore created the car museum in 1961. At first located within the circuit, near the village, it had various updates over the years and moved in 1991 near to the main entrance to the circuit.

The car has revolutionised our society for more than a century and to preserve this evolution, the Automobile Club de l’Ouest created the 24 Hours of Le Mans Museum, a setting for the great adventure in road mobility.

9 place Luigi Chinetti,
72100 Le Mans, France
E: heritage@lemans.org

Museum of the 24 Hours of Le Mans Admission:

Adulte Tarif Plein €10
Adulte Tarif Réduit €7.50
10/18 Tarif Plein €7.50
10/18 Tarif Réduit €4.50
Enfant <10 ans Gratuit Gratuit Gratuit

Plan: 2-3 hr

Museum of the 24 Hours of Le Mans Hours:

From 1st October to 30th April: every day from 10am to 6pm
From 1st May to 30th September: every day from 10am to 7pm
Last entries 1 hour before closing


Image via Lesley Natrop


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