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Museum of Off Road Adventure

Central, Michigan

The Museum of Off-Road Adventure is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization founded for the purpose of educating about the history and continued development of four-wheel drive and off-highway travel. Featuring displays of vehicles, components, and memorabilia ranging from the early days of automotive history to the complex machines of today, a trip to the MORA should be on everyone’s bucket list!

The collection already includes a one-of-a-kind early 4×4 fire truck, some vintage Japanese 4×4’s, unique military vehicles, and much more!

Beyond vehicles and displays, the Museum strives to collect and preserve living history, through video interviews of industry pioneers and individuals of interest to the off-roading world.

8061 Marsh Rd.
Clay Township, MI 48001
Email: info@themora.org

Museum of Off-Road Adventure Admission:

Plan: 1hr

Museum of Off-Road Adventure Hours:

1st & 3rd Saturday 11 am to 4 pm


Image via https://www.facebook.com/pg/themoramuseum/


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