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Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust

Europe, United Kingdom

The Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust collects and preserves the collection of vehicles, both past, and present, that relate to the history, industrial development, and social impact of Jaguar and its associated companies.

They have over 170 vehicles in our collection, over 70 of these are on regular display in the Collections Centre at the British Motor Museum, Gaydon with another 9 in the main museum building. We also have 17 on display in the Jaguar Gallery at the Coventry Transport Museum.

The vehicles are maintained by our technicians at the workshop in Gaydon which we share with the British Motor Museum.  They are assisted by a band of willing Volunteers who also attend and support various events throughout the year.

Collections Centre, British Motor Museum,
Banbury Road, Gaydon, Warwick CV35 0BJ, United Kingdom
Email: enquiries@jaguarheritage.com

Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust Admission:

Adults £14.50
Children (5-16) £9.00
Under 5’s FREE
Concessions 60 yrs+, unemployed, students & service personnel £12.50
Family Ticket
2 adults, up to 3 children £40.00
Plan: 1-2hr

Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust Hours:

Daily 10 am – 5 pm


Image via https://www.facebook.com/JaguarDaimlerHeritageTrust/photos


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