Michigan Firehouse Museum

Michigan Firehouse Museum

The Michigan Firehouse Museum Encompasses over 26,000 square feet, the Museum is an educational treasure trove that includes an original 1898 firehouse and modern, multilevel exhibit display area.

110 W Cross St
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Email: info@michiganfirehousemuseum.org

Adults 12+ : $10
Kids 5-11 : $5
4 & under : Free

Plan: 1hr
Open: Thursday – Sunday 12pm – 4pm


Image via https://www.facebook.com/MichiganFirehouseMuseum/photos/


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Museum of Bus Transportation

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Museum of Bus Transportation

To promote the bus industry, and seek to be of continuous interest to both the general public and the bus enthusiast, the Museum of Bus Transportation (MBT) has merged with the AACA Museum to have a permanent Museum of Bus Transportation Exhibit area within the AACA Museum.

This permanent exhibit allows each organization to display all forms of motor vehicles and related memorabilia to better educate and entertain the hobbyist and general public.

161 Museum Dr
Hershey, PA 17033
Email: info@aacamuseum.org

Museum of Bus Transportation Admission:

Adult $16.00
Children (4-12) $10.00
Senior (61+) $14.50
Under 3 – Free
Plan: 2+hr

Museum of Bus Transportation Hours:

Daily 9am – 5pm


Image via https://www.facebook.com/BusMuseum/photos/


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Pacific Northwest Truck Museum

Pacific Northwest Truck Museum

In the Pacific Northwest Truck Museum, you will see some of the great working vehicles that helped develop the Pacific Northwest. These wonderfully restored antique trucks, parts, and memorabilia also show the significant and unique innovations in the development of trucks brought about by the longer distances and rough terrain of this part of the country. There are over 75 trucks on display.

3995 Brooklake Rd NE,
Salem, OR 97303
Email: office@pacificnwtruckmuseum.org

Admission: $5 donation
Plan: 1hr
Open: Saturday – Sunday 10am – 4pm
Wednesday thru Friday 10-4 by Appointment Only


Image via https://www.facebook.com/PacificNorthwestTruckMuseum/photos/


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