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Audrain Automobile Museum

Northeast, Rhode Island

Located in Newport, Rhode Island, the Audrain Automobile Museum has a mission to preserve and present automotive history while connecting and engaging with other non-profits and the community as a whole. Established in 2014, the Museum transformed the historic Audrain Building into a captivating display floor, fit specifically for our cultural needs.

The Museum has access to collections of over 200 cars, allowing for three fresh and unique exhibits per year. Ranging from Brass Era pre-War cars to Supercars of the 2000s, the Museum is dedicated to entertaining all generations and stylistic preferences.

America’s love affair with automobiles is intrinsic and Newport’s role is essential. The Museum engages and educates the Aquidneck Island community through car events and other nonprofits to further its position within automotive history. As the Museum continues to grow, so does its status as a must-stop destination for both car enthusiasts and Newport visitors alike.

222 Bellevue Ave
Newport, RI 02840
Email: info@audrainautomuseum.org

Audrain Automobile Museum Admission:

Adults – $18
Seniors (65+) – $10
Military and Students (with ID) – $10
Children (6-17) – $8 
Plan: 2-4 hr

Audrain Automobile Museum Hours:

Daily 10am – 4pm


Image via https://www.facebook.com/pg/AudrainAutomobileMuseum/


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